
Located in a private home, Cat Tales Boarding accepts indoor cats from only one client at a time, with the possible exception of a short overlap (up to 3 days) between clients.  Unfamiliar cats are given separate rooms, each with a scratching post, several softs beds, places to jump and hide, and  one or more windows with a view to the outdoors.

The main cat boarding room is 15 feet by 20 feet  with two large windows, and the secondary room is 10 feet by 10 feet with one large window.

My experience in fostering cats and personal availability provide a unique option for those wanting the maximum in continuity and care.  Since I work from my home, I will not be leaving your cat alone for hours on end! For much if not most of the day your cat will have human company. 

Timid, playful, affectionate or august – regardless of your cat’s disposition, expect him to return to you utterly spoiled!

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello there, I live in Chilliwack and will be going away on a trip From April 3-10, 2017. I might be interested in your service for my cat Lilly – female, 7 years.


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